Alan's Auto

Electrical Repair for Cars

Welcome to Alan's Auto, your go-to destination for fast, reliable, affordable car electrical repair in Melrose, MA. Our team of auto technicians is equipped to handle any car electrical issue you may be facing, from faulty wiring to malfunctioning alternators, starter issues, electronics, and more.

Our Electrical Repair Services

We offer a wide range of electrical repair services for cars, including:

  • Battery Replacement: If your car battery is dead or dying, we can replace it and get you back on the road quickly.
  • Alternator Repair: If you're experiencing issues with your car's alternator, we can diagnose the problem and repair or replace the alternator as needed.
  • Starter Repair: If your car doesn't start, we can diagnose the issue and, if necessary, repair or replace the starter.
  • Wiring Repair: Faulty or damaged wiring can cause issues with your car's electrical system. We can diagnose and repair any wiring issues you may be experiencing, including flickering or dimming lights, problems with electrical accessories, blown fuses, and more.
  • Electronics: Many electronics on cars may require repair or service. We can diagnose all electrical or electronic issues and recommend a course of action for repairs.

Areas Served: Melrose, MA | Wakefield, MA | Stoneham, MA | and surrounding areas.

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